Jeanette Bewersdorff

Jeanette Bewersdorff (M.Sc.) Photo: Henrik Schipper

Jeanette Bewersdorff (M.Sc.)

Research assistant at the professorship Computational Linguistics in the project KISS-Pro (currently on parental leave)

Email: jeanette.bewersdorff

Universitätsstr. 11 – PRG / Building 5
Room B 118 (1st floor)
58097 Hagen

What is my role within CATALPA?

As a researcher in the field of Natural Language Processing, I am working on the automated extraction of argumentation structures from documents using AI.


In CATALPA, I can work on my research in a productive, well-connected environment. Furthermore, the research cluster provides numerous opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration with other scientists.

    • Research Assistant within the research professorship Computational Linguistics at „Center of Advanced Technology for Assisted Learning and Predictive Analytics“ (CATALPA) since 2022
    • Since June 2023: PhD student in the BMBF project KISS-Pro ("Artificial Intelligence in Language and Writing - Professionalization Concepts for and Usage Perspectives of AI-based Feedback Systems and Writing Agents for Language Learning in Schools").
    • From November 2021 to May 2023: PhD student in the DFG Research Training Group WisPerMed (Knowledge- and data-based personalization of medicine at the point of care).
    • November 2021 to 2022: Research assistant at the Chair of Language Technology at University Duisburg-Essen
    • October 2021: Master of Science in Applied Computer Science at University Duisburg-Essen
    • April 2018: Bachelor of Science in Applied Computer Science at University Duisburg-Essen
    • NLP
    • medical NLP
    • AI
    • KISS-Pro (AI in Language Learning - Concepts for Teacher Professional Development and Utilization Perspectives of AI-based Feedback Systems and Chatbots for Language Learning in Schools) BMBF project
    • DFG RTG WisPerMed (Knowledge- and data-based personalization of medicine at the point of care)
  • 2022


    • Zesch, T., & Bewersdorff, J. (2022). German medical natural language processing–a data-centric survey. In C. Reich & U. Mescheder (Eds.), The upper-rhine artificial intelligence symposium UR-AI 2022 : AI applications in medicine and manufacturing, 19 october 2022, villingen-schwenningen, germany (pp. 137–145). Furtwangen University.