Jennifer Hochstein

Jennifer Hochstein (Dipl.-Päd., BSc Psychology)
Research assistant at the junior research group Stereotype Threat and project MULTIDIVERSE-CSCL, Member CATALPA Management Team (representing junior researchers)
Email: jennifer.hochstein
Universitätsstraße 27 – PRG / Gebäude 5
Raum A 127 (1. Etage)
58097 Hagen
What is my role within CATALPA?
As a doctoral researcher in social psychology, I work in the junior research group Stereotype Threat and in the DFG-project MULTIDIVERSE-CSCL. My research focuses on explanations of the underlying psychological processes of microdynamics in diverse virtual study groups. The aim is to investigate the consequences of stereotypes in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). We will further develop measures to support the collaboration in hetereogeneous CSCL groups.
Where better to conduct research on diversity aspects in connection with CSCL than at an interdisciplinary research cluster that thrives on exchange and networking? My aim is to contribute to optimizing digital learning environments for learners.
- Doctoral researcher in the junior research group Stereotype Threat at CATALPA (since January 2024)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the FernUniversität in Hagen (August 2023)
- Student research assistant in the junior research group Stereotype Threat at CATALPA (September 2021 to December 2023)
- Professional activities, in addition to raising own children, as a leader of parent-child groups, socio-pedagogical family support, pedagogical employee in a child and youth welfare facility (November 2001 to December 2020)
- Diploma in educational science at the University of Dortmund (April 2002)
- Intermediate diploma in educational science at the Bergische Universität Gesamthochschule Wuppertal (March 2000)
- Stereotypes in general and especially with regard to chronic diseases and disabilities
- Developmental psychology of adulthood
- Optimization of digital learning environments in higher education
- Junior research group Stereotype Threat
Talks and Poster Presentation
- Hochstein, J. (09/2024). Effects of stereotypes for percievers and targets in multi-attributionally diverse Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) groups. Talk at the 2024 Doctoral Researchers Workshop (SoDoc) of the Social Psychology Section (FGSP) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs).