Sohail Bayzaei

Sohail Bayzaei M.Sc.
Scientific employee at project NOVA:ea
Email: sohail.bayzaei
Universitätsstr. 27 – PRG / Building 5
Room A 103 (1st floor)
58097 Hagen
What is my role within CATALPA
As a research assistant I mainly work on the Project NOVA:ea, where the optimization of exam conditions is a central topic, and I mainly deal with the extension or expansion of the exam platform Dynexite and the implementation of the desired feature requests.
Digitization and e-assessment are on the rise in all areas. This has been especially important in the last months and years, also at the Fernuni-Hagen. It is important to me to grow with what the CATALPA („Center of Advanced Technology Assisted Learning and Predictive Analytics“) team is working on in this area and to support the project with all my strength.
- I started my work in January 2022 as a research associate of the research center „Center of Advanced Technology Assisted Learning and Predictive Analytics“ (CATALPA) at the Fernuni-Hagen.
- Before that, I worked for some time as a web developer at FH-Dortmund, where I successfully completed my bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science.
- Until March 2018, I participated in various training courses, which I completed with very good results and also got certified by Microsoft in this regard.
- I was employed as a software engineer at a medium-sized company until the end of September 2016. The company, based in Unna, is mainly involved in the field of renewable energies.
- After successfully completing my bachelor's degree in computer science at the end of 2009 at the FH-Dortmund, I successfully completed my master's degree in the same field at the FH-Dortmund in 2012.
- Before starting my studies, I was already able to gain several years of experience abroad as a programmer.
I am currently working on my first publications.