On the Process of Civilisation in Japan: Sociogenetic and Psychogenetic Investigations
13. Mai 2024English Learning Support
13.05.2024, 18:00 Uhr
(bis 19 Uhr)
Speaker: A Figuration Sociologist at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom, Dr Lau is the author of On the Process of Civilisation in Japan (2022).
By employing the works of Norbert Elias in his book, he examines the complex civilising processes found in Japanese society from the 8th century to the 20th century. He will walk us through the micro and macro processes that shaped the Japanese through 1,300 years of history.
Assorted subjects, top-tier speakers and scintillating conversation: At English Learning Support we host periodical lectures featuring academics from near and far. It's a chance for you to learn something new whilst improving your listening comprehension. And if you want to practise speaking too - so much the better.
There is no registration - simply click on the Zoom link at the appointed hour.
Zoom-Link: https://fernuni-hagen.zoom.us/j/69706012502?pwd=OW0yWjdoWUExZmplRHl0bHA2bURTQT09